Our Curriculum
Mirabilia’s curriculum is based on the Early Childhood Education and Care National Quality Framework, the National Early Years Learning Framework (birth to 5 years) and the My Time Our Place Framework (school aged). Mirabilia also practices emergent curriculum and approaches with nature pedagogies, which means that all intentional teaching and extension of learning experiences are focused on being responsive to children’s interests to create meaningful learning experiences that uses the nature and current environment as part of the teaching practices.
Mirabilia’s educators serve a vital role within the curriculum specifically when being facilitators and extenders of the children’s play. We will observe children through their play, gather all the information we need in order to offer and facilitate children’s learning with such intentional teaching within play. As part of the emergent curriculum, we also believe that children learn from being in small groups, planned and spontaneous. Other than the daily engagement small groups play, we also offer ‘Squad’ times during school terms.
Children learn best in active, engaged, constructive and interactive environments, when the material they are learning is meaningful to them, and when they receive consequential feedback and probing questions, by putting their interests and needs at the forefront of the learning process, by giving some feedback and direction toward the relevant dimensions, and by allowing children to be active partners, guided play is able to keep children engaged
Our Routine
Big Prep for the Big School!
Mirabilia runs school readiness throughout the year and transition to school program from July to January. We recognise that when children are engaged in play, children learn through touching, moving, listening, seeing and hearing.
During the transition to school program, children will investigate further through the hands-on experiences that are in the integrated learning, individual work and as well as project work that will explicitly learn and experience:
Early literacy & numeracy learning: alphabets, comprehension skills, numbers, shapes, colours, and simple addition.
Phonics awareness, hence not only children will recognise the letters of the alphabets but are also familiar with their sounds and place in words, accelerating their reading and word recognition.
Social skills through games and technologies that encourage children to discuss projects, work together in a team, take turns and understand on how to become good citizens.
(Out of School Hours Care & Vacation Care Program)
During Before School Hours – Children are offered breakfast in a relaxed flexible environment whilst preparing their bodies and mind for a school day. Free play and various learning experiences are provided for them to choose from and participate in.
During After School Hours – Children are offered afternoon tea. Homework club will be conducted together with experienced educators, various learning experiences that are planned and spontaneous are also provided.
During Vacation Care Program – There will be planned experiences where children would go for excursions and incursions to attend to. They will be encouraged to be active whilst having fun and entertained during the school holidays.