Flexi – Care is the first subsidy maximisation program and allowance in Australia where Mirabilia implements and maximises parent’s subsidy into their charged care. Since subsidy is one of the major considerations for parents to put their child in childcare, we as your partner wanted to help and allow the parents to flexibly choose their care based on their subsidy. Mirabilia offers range of Flexi Care hours start from 4 – 10 Hours.

Currently, the Government cap parent’s child care subsidy by fortnightly hours and percentages where it is constantly changed due to their income, allowances or household expenses. Any charges above their subsidised hours and percentages will be out of pocket cost.

 Case: One family entitled to 36 hours per fortnight subsidy with 50% cap CCS (Childcare Subsidy), they need 3 days per week worth of care only 6 hours per day.

Issue: Most childcare will charge $120 for 12 hours per day. 

Calculations: Therefore, since the family only entitles 36 hours per fortnight or 18 hours per week. The calculation if they need 3 days per fortnight charged at 10 hours session will be,

Normal Childcare

Week 1:

Fee Charged

Childcare Subsidy Hours Charged

CCS (50%)

Gap Fees


Day 1: $120





Day 2: $120





Day 3: $120





Total Week 1: $360

Total Hours: 36

Total CCS: $180

Total Gap Fees $180



Week 2:

Fee Charged

Childcare Subsidy Hours Charged

CCS (50%)

Gap Fees


Day 1: $120





Day 2: $120





Day 3: $120





Total Week 1: $360

Total Hours: 36

Total CCS: 0

Total Gap Fees $360



The family total fortnightly payment will be Week 1: $180 + $360 = $540. On the second week, this family will not be covered since all the subsidy has been used on the first week where it is charged at 36 hours where the fortnightly hours charged is 72 hours.


Mirabilia Flexi – Care

Solutions: Mirabilia allow parents to attend for Flexi 6 Hours for $100 where it will be charged at 6 hours per day rather than 12 hours per day


Week 1:

Fee Charged

Child Care Subsidy Hours Charged

CCS (50%)

Gap Fees


Day 1: $100





Day 2: $100





Day 3: $100





Total Week 1: $360

Total Hours: 18

Total CCS: $150

Total Gap Fees $150



Week 2:

Fee Charged

Child Care Subsidy Hours Charged

CCS (50%)

Gap Fees


Day 1: $120





Day 2: $120





Day 3: $120





Total Week 1: $360

Total Hours: 18

Total CCS: $150

Total Gap Fees $150



The family total fortnightly payment will be Week 1: $150 + $150= $300

Since the family is charged at 6 hours per day it allows the family to get covered with their current subsidy of 36 hours per fortnight. Families can save $540 – $300= $240 by using Mirabilia Flexi Care compared to the other childcare.